WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (MIR WINS)
Regular Battle
Punches due NO DUE DATES
Voting ends on NO DUE DATES
Rebuttal Option
both competitors must agree to it at time of check-in
format is A, B, B, A (A posts first, B drops next, B posts follow-up, A drops final bar)
You have 24hrs from when battle was set to agree on rebuttal battle
You know the rules, if not, refer to the rule thread.
first to 4 wins
3-0 is a KO
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0)
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0)
Nothing you write works here.. your shit makes people tired/restless
you might be able to take this text shit on the road tho, n hit a tree sending a msg
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0)
Shits like game 7... when I dead you theres no comin back you'll be stuffed in a box b....
Cuz when I put this Miracle on ice?
I'm not fuckin talkin about Kurt Russell and hockey
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Two solid bars. Both were effective. I have to give the nod to Miracle on originality. There really wasn't anything particularly eye-opening about Meks nameflip, it's really difficult to execute one on Miracle these days. But damn that was delivered kind of harsh. Like a genuine fuck you guy. I loved the aggressiveness. Going with Miracle here with a slight edge.
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
I like miracles more it was more scathing b/n the two of them. I dig the name flip attempt but it came off with a lack of impact. Mir's hit harder nothing was a haymaker but his was worded better.
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Miracle had a pretty funny twist at the end, meks Miracle on Ice idea was dope but could've been executed better, like mentioning kurt russell & hockey before ending with putting miracle on ice, sorry to be an overly critical cunt it just softened the punch IMO. Still enough to win.
Vote Meks
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Hmmmm very close battle, I think the decider in this is Meks came with a fresh miracle flip which with how played they are is impressive
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
meks had the better concept but miracle had the better wording. overall i got more out of miracles punch so hes getting my vote
v/ miracle
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
If miracle in 34th streets is played out on miracle im sure miracle on ice is right up there. Concept was okay but it didn’t pop out as ground that hasn’t been treaded on. Miracle had a solid punch here.
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
The ice hockey reference was cool but the punch didn’t fully have that much impact in my opinion, I liked the idea miracle used and how he worded it also the imagery made the punch hit harder.
V/ Miracle
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)
Miracle’s was fine. Proficient enough, maybe a bit generic as there was nothing really specific to his opponent in there. I quite liked it regardless. Meks’ was pretty good, unless you’ve heard the ‘Miracle on ice’ nameflip before, which I haven’t, so I’mma give it to Meks.
Vote- Meks
Re: WK26 CHAMP MATCH: Miracle (11-6) vs Meks (3-0) (OPEN FOR VOTES)