i dont know a lot about hardware recorders because i have very little experience with them. i couldnt recommend any in particular because i don't use them. I only speak about knowledge i have gained by experience and education, and i only recommend gear that i have actually seen in action. im not gonna recommend something that i have no experience with. i'm not as seasoned as u obviously are, but i do know that a 17 year old kid with no money needs to start with a computer and go from there. people need to be aware of their budget before they go buying equipment. otherwise, most equipment ends up being a big waste of money in the end. PLus i guarantee this kid doesnt know the first thing about anything and just assumes that a computer system is inferior. I don't see why anyone wouldn't use a computer in this day in age. im all about using the knobs, buttons, keys, and faders too, but that means absolutely nothing. for every hardware component there is a controller that does the same thing... in some cases better.