Pride & Prejudice
Pack. Leave a white girl
in broad daylight if you will,
neighbors call police.
Pity makes for company
but damn sure don’t make for
truth. Taking a stand for self,
makes an audience of you.
I have a key Mr. Caucasoid
Gay Man. for the last
10 months you’ve said hi
to me everyday on my way
to the mailbox. and now
you say, it is the police
on the other end of your
once extended hand? You
whom cut the tree from
in front of this house,
while she talked and I
stood in the doorway. Cause
see, I have a key. I have
permission to stay or
leave. Today I am merely
exercising the latter.
What’s the matter, Mr.
Gaucasoid Gay Man, does
my blackness now offend?
where is you priest lover?
Perhaps if he were home
and not at the church, God’s
word and Jesus’ love could
be seen, better yet, felt.
Our dance was haiku.
My girlfriend and I, season.
hibernation now.
She is not home, but
she wanted it this way.
For me to move, in the
afternoon, for my smile
was at it’s highest peak
then and she, wanted to
be in the shadows of a
work day, far away,
from tanning capabilities.
You never liked that
she called me morning,
but you once accepted
love as dawning. And
to think, you reminded
me of the North, here
in the South. Open-
minded, underground
railroad to stow safety
in. Pretence kills.
Today you stand on
the front lawn of my
relocation, with hooded
sheet accusations of
a break-in and burning
cross calls to law stations.
And all I can think is,
what would your Christian
pulpit lover think…black
man breaking up with
jewish woman? I never
claimed to be King of
the Jews, why do you
crucify me, Mr. Caucasoid
Gay Man?
These things. These
cardboard boxes
without corners or
New York Bridge decay.
these things. Clothes,
dressers, beds, living
room furniture and
computer consoles.
These things obviously
were 2 hearts beating
as one, mulatto. Are
you afraid I am stealing
her pure soul? Yes,
I have packed it up
in the suitcase marked
Uhaul and your neighbor-
hood watch tactics only
make me want to send
it to a lost that is never
found. Yes, I want her
to go unclaimed on
a conveyor belt. I want
her to travel to a short
distance over and over
again. Maybe the past will
be upfront, in my face
that I may not be doomed
to repeat it.
Yes Mr. Blue Suit White
Man with Black Partner,
I have a key to get these
things. And no I will not
thank the neighbors for
being concerned and keeping
friendly watch. Negro badge,
I know you feel like a nigga
now. So much for colbalt
codes of honor. But
honorable as a defeated
pharaoh, I am glad you let
your people go, acting as
another key, and not
a skeleton. There will
be no bones clanking in
your closet tonight. But.
Mr. Caucasoid Gay Man,
may your judgment be
grave deep. Your flesh home
of depreciation. I wish
your cold heart hell.
Forgive me massa for
I know not what I do.
Our dance was haiku.
too bad the music was low,
hummed our heat to sleep.
So baby, don’t think of
this as moving out. I’m
just on my way to Heaven,
to a familiar devil. The ghetto.