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Thread: Picture Perfect 15

  1. #1
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    Picture Perfect 15


  2. #2
    Uncomfortable reminder adjective's Avatar
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    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    Can't Deny The Water

    We all mocked him, even his wife
    Rain, really, are you out of your mind?
    Oh you heard from God did you
    This guy's crazy and his imaginary
    god is a joke
    And after so many years, he still warned us
    Spit and laugh
    Until the first rain drop
    And I remembered his words he said
    God told him a flood was coming
    And while I was running back home
    To find my family the flood overpowered me
    God's word came true
    God's word came true

  3. #3
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    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    Swimming in Memories

    We first learned to swim at a young age,
    never fully prepared
    just thrown into it- hoping- wishing
    that instincts would take over
    and save us.

    Electrical floating devices
    catch our eyes, we want them
    even though they take over our lives.
    we can stop when we want..
    ..but we need it to live.

    We expect it now
    and when we don't get it,
    everything feels unrealistic.
    Reminiscing the past times
    like they were a mandatory rendezvous.

    Eventually, when the water rises too high
    we'll forget how to float,
    it's not like riding a bike.
    you have it or you don't.

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    the theory of cause and effect is flawed,
    we expect the outcome to mirror the struggle, that's wrong.

  4. #4

    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    No storm, tragedy,
    mistake or catastrophy.
    Measures to this pain.

    Farewell balance.

  5. #5
    In Thought JMS's Avatar
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    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    search, feeling the bottom with eyes closed
    trying to picture what once was,
    I hold tight to the memories and thoughts
    but slowly losing the air in my lungs,
    in disarray, I refuse to part my eye lids
    to take in the full horror,
    I keep the patch over my minds eye
    in fear that whats inside will be projected to the world,
    like an awful silent film, where nobody hears the cries

    this homes floor boards don't creek, they don't exist,
    washed away with harsh words and slammed doors,
    glass settles slowly to the bottom
    attempting to reflect the life before,

    tears stain the dried peeling paint on the walls
    unable to rejuvenate the life
    or possibly trying to coax the memories,
    asking for them to speak and re tell old stories
    of happier times, when the rooms were lit
    with smiles and sincerity,

    now the bulbs have dimmed and blacked out,
    hollow dark sockets rest on emotionless faces,
    a soul draining out and into this chaos
    corrupted and spiteful,

    those clenched fists hold true, waiting for dawn,
    but the sun no longer shines in this world,
    as the abyss looks so much more comforting,
    fist after fist slowly dragging across the bottom
    looking for oblivion,

    I take a gasp but unable to catch the air,
    tasting bitter and coughing up the unattainable,
    the want for the past beating heavily
    as i watch my world thump, rise and fall,
    mostly fall...
    it steadies but slowly dissipates,
    as if waiting calmly in line to jump head first over cliff side,

    the clock strikes and 3am quickly approaches,
    snapping me out of that harsh dream
    and into a jagged and cracked reality,
    I step out of my thoughts and let them go,
    they have died now,
    my hands covered in the blood of a broken heart
    a shattered life, as I watch memories...
    OUR memories melt away

  6. #6
    as ain't Jamhuri's Avatar
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    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    I always sneak back in,
    After the fights, to see if there’s any spoil that isn’t spoil
    at all. Probably a memory of my first visit to your
    house. Remember when you only had a sofa in an empty two-bedroom house
    and a small carpet we’d sit on, read about love but never kiss?
    I try to search your eyes if what we were before
    we broke the furniture in our hearts and hurled words, like utensils, at each other
    can keep you with me.
    A song, perhaps. The needle probably scratched my name
    with genuine ink in your heart, to Azvanour ‘s dance-able confusions,
    As I pasted you in the scenes I’ve committed in my dreams-
    Will Smith me- Willing to give, because you need my heart, Fonda.
    I guess life happens after the credits roll up the TV
    and that’s where all the bad acting goes.
    Yeah, I search [your tears].
    I search because if I find anything, I can dangle it
    long until I find enough ways to do what I should have done
    before I broke your heart
    and keep you with me.
    Last edited by Jamhuri; August 30th, 2011 at 02:28 AM

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    Living life plugged into technology
    can't remember what its like to live free

    people rise up and think Anarchy!
    we claim to live in a democracy
    the internet claims to be free
    but the government owns those claims see

    Can't decipher a thought from one of the media
    Can't decide what's an impulse or a tweet
    All i can admit is a technological defeat

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: Picture Perfect 15

    Congratulations to Jamhuri, he is once again the winner of the monthly most insightful.

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