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Thread: LLL Hall of Champions

  1. #1
    Administrator ILLunatic's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Awards 100+ Wins OM HOF SOTW

    LLL Hall of Champions

    LLL Season Champions

    Season 1
    Mr. W.Rite vs Feeble Minded

    Season 2
    Jacent. vs PostmorteM

    Season 3
    $pitacular vs Com

    Season 4
    Mystery~Murdera vs Mr. Write

    Season 5
    COM vs Automatic

    Season 6
    Born to Kill vs Smokajoka

    Season 7
    SmokaJoka vs $pitacular

    Season 8
    Phlymo vs $pitacular

    Season 9
    $pitacular vs Warming

    Season 10
    Phlymo vs Cry

    Season 11
    Barcotic vs $in City

    Season 12
    Alien vs The Archetype

    Season 13

    Season 14
    Token vs Untold.

    Season 15
    King Vs Meters

    Season 16
    Salamander vs Allen Knight

    Season 17
    Wordz Ahgod. vs Murda Sho

    Season 18
    Barcotic vs Greedy

    Season 19
    Useless vs Aero

    Season 20
    Letterman vs Klass

    Season 21
    b dot Lesnar vs Basic M

    Season 22
    King vs Blue Bayou

    Season 23
    Letterman vs Fresh

    Last edited by Stranger; November 18th, 2021 at 07:44 AM Reason: Added Last Seasons Winner

  2. #2
    Administrator ILLunatic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Battle Record
    Awards 100+ Wins OM HOF SOTW

    Re: LLL Hall of Champions

    Pre-Lethal Lyricist League
    Championship Records

    Heavyweight Championship
    Liquidflame vs Id
    Liquidflame vs Phynam
    Phynam vs Blackflame
    Blackflame vs Liquid Flame
    Blackflame vs Chicken
    Blackflame vs Unfuckwithable
    Unfuckwithable vs -u.e.
    Off~center vs Direkt Threat
    Off~center vs Eck-lipse
    Eck-lipse vs ...sin...
    Eck-lipse vs Dalyricalwhiz
    Eck-lipse vs I.e.
    I.e. vs PROphet
    PROphet vs sK!LLz
    PROphet vs CoMetaPhor
    PROphet vs CoMetaPhor
    D'vine vs EnvyMyMind
    EnvyMyMind vs sK!LLz
    MetaSin vs Mu Ling Ha
    MetaSin vs RICH N.I.
    Quotient vs Avalon
    Avalon vs Mind Theory
    Mind Theory vs Dark History
    Mind Theory vs SyNiKaL
    Mind Theory vs Evolve
    Evolve vs ~Ruthless~
    Evolve vs Sand

    Middle Weight Championship
    Fatal Actions vs Phynam
    Asasin vs Broken Stylez
    Asasin vs Fatal Actions
    Metheus vs Liquid Flame
    Off~center vs Dalyricalwhiz
    Kill@m1c vs Madd Professor
    Madd Professor vs Illrhymephonetic
    Illrhymephonetic vs Nex El
    Illrhymephonetic vs Nex El
    Xtravagant vs Onslaught
    maddprofessor vs F-moneybags
    D'vine vs DejureThaRaw
    D'vine vs Dopey
    Dopey vs EnvyMyMind
    EnvyMyMind vs Dopey
    Lil' D vs Orange
    Orange vs Lil' D
    Nametag vs Mystery~Murdera
    Mystery~Murdera vs ASPEN
    Knightshade vs Madman
    Madman vs UnEmceeAble
    X-Signals vs Martinelli
    Martinelli vs Fgee
    Martinelli vs Irrelevance

    Welterweight Championship
    ~RuThLEss~ vs UnEmceeAble

    Lightweight Championship
    Prophet vs V.i.k
    Fatal Actions vs Broken Stylez
    Fatal Actions vs Histrywrecker
    Histrywrecker vs Broken Stylez
    Broken Stylez vs PROphet
    Eck-lipse vs Illrhymephonetic
    Eck-lipse vs D.o.t.
    Dalyricalwhiz vs Histrywrecker
    Dalyricalwhiz vs Onslaught
    Dalyricalwhiz vs PROphet
    Smack Daddy vs I.e.
    Lyricali vs Envymymind
    Mecca One vs STeaDY
    STeaDY vs EnvyMyMind
    Tru Force vs Mu Ling Ha
    Tru Force vs Orange
    Tru Force vs PrestaH
    PrestaH vs Vice
    MeNTiLL PoEt vs JayPana vs OnE
    OnE vs Foren•SickZ™
    JayPana vs MeNTiLL
    JayPana vs Mind Theory
    LyricAli vs billy
    LyricAli vs X-Signals

    Featherweight Championship
    Ruthless vs Whoknows

    Flyweight Championshiop
    Evolve vs Triflin
    Evolve vs Rise

    Hardcore Championship
    Broken Stylez vs Thug Mentality
    MILKMAN vs {-eLeMeNt-}
    Unfuckwithable vs Lady Maheim
    Unfuckwithable vs Histrywrecker
    Dariel Shariem vs Direkt Threat
    Direkt Threat vs Dalyricawhiz
    F-moneybags vs Realize
    F-moneybags vs Ridah
    F-moneybags vs Off~center
    Off~center vs U.e.
    Shotta vs Lil Dallas
    Lil Dallas vs Ristin
    Acidic vs 7 Sinz
    7 Sinz vs Acidic
    Acidic vs Lil Dallas
    Mu Ling Ha vs DesTRUKshun
    Boogey~ManŽ vs pHranTik

    Newbie Championship
    Travezty vs Solid Flame
    Pizonus vs Jaypana
    Deft vs DesTRUKshun
    DesTRUKshun vs Boogey~ManŽ
    Boogey~ManŽ vs KunG-FuzeD
    Boogey~ManŽ vs Vice
    DraGONz vs MeNTiLL PoEt

  3. #3
    Administrator ILLunatic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Battle Record
    Awards 100+ Wins OM HOF SOTW

    Re: LLL Hall of Champions

    Lethal Lyricist League
    Championship Records

    Heavyweight Championship
    Sand vs 13th Disciple
    13th Disciple vs G. Hod
    G. Hod vs Knuckle~Head
    G. Hod vs Evolve
    Evolve vs .:Stem:.
    Evolve vs James Bondage
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    BribeOne1 vs Taktik
    Taktik vs Camarac
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Taktik vs BribeOne1
    Taktik (HW Champ) vs Quotient (LW Champ)
    Taktik vs 13th Disciple
    Taktik vs Evolve
    Evolve vs Chrit
    Evolve vs Mystery~Murdera
    Mystery~Murdera vs Feeble Minded
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Tournament Final: Feeble Minded vs Allegory
    Feeble Minded vs Evolve
    Feeble Minded vs Walter Wall
    Feeble Minded vs Avalon
    Avalon vs Lethargic
    Avalon vs Walter Wall
    Walter Wall vs Com
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Nahlidge vs Com via No Show
    Com vs Meters
    Meters vs Shadows Edge via No Show
    Shadows Edge vs $pitacular
    $pitacular vs Kapitolins
    $pitacular vs Shadows Edge
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    $pitacular vs Vylint
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Shadows Edge vs $pitacular
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Jacent. vs Feeble Minded
    Feeble Minded vs Shadows Edge
    Feeble Minded vs Lay Doubt
    Feeble Minded vs $pitacular
    Feeble Minded vs $pitacular
    $pitacular vs Quote
    $pitacular vs ...Eclipse...
    ...Eclipse... vs Feeble Minded
    ...Eclipse... vs Quote
    Quote vs Ex
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Quote vs YoungP
    Quote vs Mr W.rite
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Datruthurtz vs L.I.
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Young Philly vs Ambience
    Ambience vs Savir
    Savir vs J.Hens
    Savir vs Mystery~Murdera
    Mystery~Murdera vs Feeble Minded
    Mystery~Murdera vs J.Hens.
    Mystery~Murdera vs Mr. Key
    Mystery~Murdera vs Savir
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Young P vs Feeble Minded
    Feeble Minded vs Mr. Write
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Jay Walker vs Mr. Key via No Show
    Jay Walker vs Mystery~Murdera
    Mystery~Murdera vs Chrit
    Mystery~Murdera vs Com
    Com vs J.Hens.
    Com vs $pitacular
    $pitacular vs Mr. Write
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Com vs Meters
    Com vs $pitacular via No Show
    Com vs Penlord
    Com vs Untold
    Untold vs K
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    K vs Heychoo
    K vs $pitacular
    $pitacular vs Feeble Minded
    Feeble Minded vs Cry
    Feeble Minded vs bobericc_lyrics
    Feeble Minded vs Penlord
    Feeble Minded vs Tony Brown
    Feeble Minded vs Cry
    Feeble Minded vs Keyed
    Feeble Minded vs Nick James
    Feeble Minded vs Philly
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    ...?... vs Vaskez
    Vaskez vs Prosecuter
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Boberric vs ...?... vs Cry
    ...?... vs L.G.
    L.G. vs Phily
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Feeble Minded vs Born to Kill
    Feeble Minded vs Com
    Com vs Lay Doubt
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Coop vs ...?...
    Coop vs Lay Doubt
    Lay Doubt vs Phil Benjamin
    Lay Doubt vs Ancel
    Lay Doubt vs ...?...
    Lay Doubt vs Feeble Minded
    Lay Doubt vs SmokaJoka
    SmokaJoka vs Ancel
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Starscream! vs J.Hens
    J.Hens vs Rule
    J.Hens vs ...?... via No Show
    ...?... vs Philly
    Philly vs ...?...
    ...?... vs Ancel
    Ancel vs Coop
    Ancel vs J.Hens
    J.Hens vs Com
    J.Hens vs ...?...
    J.Hens vs Qualm
    J.Hens vs Rule
    J.Hens vs Philly
    J.Hens vs Philly
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Vaskez vs $pitacular
    $pitacular vs Warming
    $pitacular vs Coop
    $pitacular vs Daz
    $pitacular vs Lay Doubt
    $pitacular vs Jay Walker via No Show
    $pitacular vs Father Muff
    $pitacular vs Automatic
    $pitacular vs J.Hens
    J.Hens vs Qualm via No Show
    J.Hens vs Warming via No Show
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Eth'Real vs Com
    Token vs Coop via DQ
    Token vs Burd
    Token vs Punch
    Punch vs Phlymo
    Punch vs Dios
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Truculent vs Barcotic
    Barcotic vs Born to Kill
    Barcotic vs Rizpy
    Barcotic vs Kenny the G
    Kenny the G vs Born to Kill
    Kenny the G vs Manic
    Kenny the G vs Neplus
    Kenny the G vs A.Karpis
    Kenny the G vs Cry
    Kenny the G vs The Archetype
    Kenny the G vs $in City via No Show
    $in City vs Alien
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    God of War vs J.Hens via No Show
    God of War vs Rupture
    God of War vs Slowhands
    God of War vs The Archetype
    God of War vs King
    God of War vs Manic
    God of War vs Slowhands via No Show
    Slowhands vs The Archetype
    The Archetype vs Cry
    The Archetype vs Tetris
    Tetris vs Cry via No Show
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    A.Karpis vs Nick
    Nick vs Wise Ways
    Nick vs $in City
    $in City vs Tim
    $in City vs Orc
    ---LLL goes on a hiatus---
    $pitacular vs Untold.
    $pitacular vs Chrit
    $pitacular vs M-Var!o
    $pitacular vs Tim
    $pitacular vs Per$onal
    $pitacular vs Blue Bayou
    Blue Bayou vs God of War
    God of War vs Untold. via No Show
    Untold. vs Per$onal
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    King vs Token
    Quote vs Knux
    Knux vs The Archetype
    The Archetype vs King
    The Archetype vs Quote
    The Archetype vs Knux
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Meters vs Bongkers
    Meters vs Philly
    ---Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Orc vs $pitacular
    ---Season 15 Concludes on RIA---
    Kontext vs Ridiculous
    Ridiculous vs Untold.
    Untold. vs Allen Knight
    Allen Knight vs miracle
    Allen Knight vs Alphabet
    Alphabet vs Ridiculous
    Ridiculous vs miracle via No Show
    Salamander vs King
    Salamander vs Alphabet
    Salamander vs Kontext
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Ill Nik-a vs Allen Knight
    Allen Knight vs Smog via No Show
    Smog vs Galactic
    Galactic vs SiK
    SiK vs Wordz Ahgod.
    Wordz Ahgod. vs KnowP
    Wordz Ahgod. vs MurdaSho
    Wordz Ahgod. vs Galactic
    Galactic vs The Archetype
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Barcotic vs The Real Spit vs Orc
    Barcotic vs Galactic
    Barcotic vs Letterman
    Barcotic vs Allen Knight
    Barcotic vs Packed Graves
    Barcotic vs The Real Spit
    Barcotic vs Smog
    Barcotic vs Allen Knight
    Barcotic vs Junto
    Barcotic vs murda sho.
    Barcotic vs Aero
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Muff vs Joog
    Unfukwitable vs Letterman
    Smog vs Letterman
    Letterman vs Mimic
    Letterman vs Aero
    Aero vs Ronin
    Aero vs Muff
    Muff vs Meth
    Ronin vs Meth
    Meth vs Smog
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Unfukwitable vs Letterman
    Unfukwitable vs Fresh
    Fresh vs Enbombz
    Enbombz vs Smog
    Smog vs KnowP
    Smog vs Rich Porter
    Plethora vs Letterman
    Letterman vs War Shack
    Letterman vs Enbombz
    Letterman vs KnowP
    Letterman vs Lay Doubt
    Letterman vs Smog
    Letterman vs Packed Graves
    Letterman vs Joog
    Lettermanvs Barcotic
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Blue Bayou vs Allen Knight
    Blue Bayou vs King
    Blue Bayou vs Bash
    Blue Bayou vs Barcotic
    Barcotic vs King
    King vs Bash
    King vs Plethora
    Plethora vs Smog
    Plethora vs Bash
    Plethora vs Plaz
    Plethora vs King
    Plethora vs Phalanx
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    King vs Dominate

    Middleweight Championship
    BribeOne1 vs Mystery~Murdera
    BribeOne1 vs Fgee
    Fgee vs A2Z
    Fgee vs AxL is God
    AxL is God vs MetaSin
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    NuclearConcepts vs Sand
    NuclearConcepts vs A2Z
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Jae Cyph vs Baxter D. Wall
    Baxter D. Wall vs Jay Pana
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Bare Knuckles vs Chrit
    Chrit vs Fgee
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Chrit vs 13th Disciple
    Chrit vs Dimense
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Walter Wall vs Dimense
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    BribeOne1[/b] vs Avalonius
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Lethargic vs Koncept
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    N LitEnd vs Trapt Wit
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Razah Skrybe vs Walter Wall
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Com vs Aisle Phive
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Born to Kill vs Mr W.Rite
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Com vs $pitacular
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Lay Doubt vs Kapitolins
    ---Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    $pitacular vs God
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Aeral vs Vlad Tempus
    Aeral vs Penlord
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    Lightweight Championship
    eSs.O.S vs Addlibb
    eSs.O.S vs Purple Haze
    eSs.O.S vs T-Square
    eSs.O.S vs Phrantik
    BribeOne1 vs TheHandsOfGod
    W-ill Farr-ill vs Purple Haze
    Baxter D. Wall vs Fgee
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Quotient vs G. Hod
    Quotient vs Mystery~Murdera
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Mystery~Murdera vs Youngblood
    Mystery~Murdera vs Dimense
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Taktik vs Fgee
    Taktik vs Walter Wall
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Mystery~Murdera vs BribeOne1
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Lethargic vs Koalatee
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Quotient vs NLitEnd
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Walter Wall vs Sand
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Mr. W. Rite vs Mystery~Murdera
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Kapitolins vs Shadows Edge
    Shadows Edge vs Born to Kill vs $pitacular
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Born to Kill vs Kapitolins
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    N-Genius vs Center Sight
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Quote vs Jacent.
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    NuclearConcepts vs ...Eclipse...
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Feeble Minded vs Quote
    Quote vs NuclearConcepts
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    $pitacular vs Ex vs NuclearConcepts
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    I'm Deon vs Jay Walker
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Elemental Soul vs L.I.
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    The One vs Lay Doubt
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Cornea vs Inhuman
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Bobericc_Lyrics vs D. Silver
    ---Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Nightmare vs Look$
    Nightmare vs Prosecuter
    Nightmare vs Alphabetized
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    Hardcore Championship
    Knuckle~Head vs Cave Canem
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Kap vs Com
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    Last edited by King; January 25th, 2019 at 11:04 PM

  4. #4
    Administrator ILLunatic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Battle Record
    Awards 100+ Wins OM HOF SOTW

    Re: LLL Hall of Champions

    Lethal Lyricist League Jr.
    Championship Records

    LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship
    $pitacular vs Inversry
    $pitacular vs Meters
    Meters vs Diverse
    Meters vs Brethren
    Meters vs Provoke
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Provoke vs $pitacular
    $pitacular vs Phoeniix
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Brethren vs Lyric
    Brethren vs Young P
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    The Judge vs Young P
    The Judge vs Young P
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Yahweh vs Ace of Aces
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Macabre vs DaTrusHurtz via No Show
    DaTrusHurtz vs KempoMRK
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Sobe plz plz vs Brixton
    Sobe plz plz vs Emanate
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Emanate vs Penlord
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    - -Coop- - vs Mariah
    - -Coop- -[/b] vs Alphabetized
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    Final vs B.Nesse vs Advisory
    Final vs Kid Sick
    Kid Sick vs Mr. Q via No Show
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Rebel vs Lawgic via No Show
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Apex vs Brandon Cee
    Brandon Cee vs Kenny the G
    Brandon Cee vs Sinister
    ---LLL Jr. Heavyweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Kenny the G vs Burden
    Kenny the G vs Lay Fear
    Kenny the G vs Satan
    Kenny the G vs Advisory
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    LLL Jr. Middleweight Championship
    Efusive vs Metafourical
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    KempoMRK vs D.Zaster
    ---LLL Jr. Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    D.Zaster vs Untold
    ---LLL Jr. Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Aes Boy vs Emanate
    ---LLL Jr. Middleweight Championship goes Vacant---
    DaTrusHurtz vs O.V Dose
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    LLL Jr. Lighweight Championship
    Macabre vs illtalic
    Macabre vs kapitolins
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Kon Quest vs Macabre
    Kon Quest vs L.I.
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Escar vs cameronj86
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Kon Quest vs Daz
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Efusive vs Focal Point
    Efusive vs Focal Point vs RdotC
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Booty Fan vs Macabre
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Bio*Chemist vs Revel
    Revel vs Thermo Stats
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    T Wrecks vs Lyric Tie
    T Wrecks vs Lyric vs Cunny Funt
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Revel vs MetaFourical
    ---Beginning of a New Season---
    O.V Dose vs Untold
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Archilleez vs Sobe plz plz
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    KempoMRK vs U.lose
    ---LLL Jr. Lightweight Championship goes Vacant---
    Brixton vs Tony Brown via No Show (Posted Late)
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    LLL Jr. Featherweight Championship
    God vs Kon Quest
    Kon Quest vs Fah Q
    ------LLL Jr. Featherweight Championship goes Vacant------
    Jug Uh Knot vs Ms. Unique
    Ms. Unique vs Efusive
    Efusive vs Daz
    Efusive vs Lyric
    ------LLL Jr. Featherweight Championship goes Vacant------
    Booty Fan vs sdizzle
    Booty Fan vs Kerr
    ---Championship gets Retired---

    Undisputed Championship
    $pitacular vs Brethren
    $pitacular vs God
    ---LLL Jr. Undisputed Championship goes Vacant---
    $pitacular vs Lyric
    $pitacular vs Stryk9
    $pitacular vs Kon Quest
    $pitacular vs RdotC via No Show
    RdotC vs Kon Quest
    ---LLL Jr. Undisputed Championship goes Vacant---
    Kon Quest vs Given Light vs sdizzle via No Show
    ---LLL Jr. Undisputed Championship goes Vacant---
    Guv'nor vs Telekinetic
    Telekinetic vs Elwood
    Telekinetic vs Revel
    Telekinetic vs Tab Lloyd
    Telekinetic vs T Wrecks
    ---Championship gets Retired---

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