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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Battle Record
    Awards Biter Award



    The man is named Arthur, a man who shows no love for man-kind – he lives about life with a manic mind
    The savage kind that and is glad if you died – he’s truly an evil mad hatter by design
    He’s a business man living on an island hosting five hundred and five – so everyone knows his havoc ways
    But setting foot on that airplane that had been delayed – they wouldn't know - what would happen that day..

    Arthur had arrived on the plane with a smug on his face – all because his private departure was late
    He sat on the back seat - opposite of where the flight attendant should be – so she’d have to walk back and forth through the lane
    “Is my coffee ready yet”!? He yelled across the plane in disdain – not caring about the dismay of the lady who served him
    “Coming right away sir” – she said with pain in her words – wishing he wouldn't treat her like a slave or a servant!

    5 Hours have passed since Arthur has been on the plane – now he's drinking champagne and writing down notes
    But not for his job – No – he’s writing down quotes – so his arsenal of mass verbal weaponry grows
    “The people of my island are all idiots – so after this trip – I'll leave with my riches and give nothing to them”
    Well maybe the mayor – I’ll leave him a prayer – where he turns to vapors or chokes on his phlegm!”

    Suddenly while writing – Arthur hears a loud noise – which falters his poise - and sends him in distress
    “What was that sound, you better tell me right now, land this plane on the ground!!” - Arthur yells very upset!
    Next thing you know – the engine combusts into flames - This must be the reason the flight was delayed!
    (Pilot) “Brace for impact – we are going to crash - God I haven’t been bad - save me with your grace!!!!”


    The plane crashes face first on a deserted island – killing the flight attendant - and pilot in the cockpit
    But out of the rubble comes Arthur – injured and noxious – glad that he's survived this violent process
    “That was a close call, but my left arm is fractured – and my forehead is bleeding faster and faster
    I must find a medical kit – for tissue and making a splint – he quickly thinks looking at the disaster

    Scouting the plane – Arthur finds the supplies he needs to survive – and nurtures himself back to good health
    “Where am I exactly”? He says to himself – I better find a radio and call for some help
    Yet he finds nothing but debris and ash from the plane, so he tries to call from his cellular phone
    But there’s no signal in these vast parts unknown, as he looks around to realize…he’s alone


    "Finally! I'm free from every human being!" Arthur screams ecstatically while running on white sand
    "I'm free from all imbeciles, simpletons, and infidels" - he screams following a maniacal laugh
    But as soon as Arthur's celebration is finished - he realizes just what that really means
    It means that as long as he's stuck on this desolate island - not a single soul will ever be seen!

    This can't be...

    "This can't be!" Arthur cries in denial - "It's only me on this island? That I just can't believe!"
    He scours day and night for someone alive – passing through vines and coconut leaves
    Finding no-one – he shades himself with a tree to hide from the blistering sun - and sits idly on a stone
    Looking deep into the Ocean with his mind Trapped in a zone - he wishes that he was - safely back home

    5 months pass and Arthur is running out of of hope - he doesn't want to live here - melancholic and broke
    For being alone had damaged his soul - but changed him into an actual human being with a pulse
    "I'm sorry - I just want to go home" he says everyday - " I promise I'll never have hate or anger displayed"
    As he walks devil's sand with a coconut in his hand - he begins to kneel down and give God his praise..

    That's it...

    "That's it"! As Arthur finishes praying - his mind sparks revelation - so he gets up and sprints towards the plane
    Looking in a craze - he finds the tools he was rummaging for - a pen, paper and empty bottle of champagne!
    But instead of merely writing "help" on the note - he writes an atonement for everyone on his island - even the Mayor he hated the most
    "I'm sorry everyone for my hateful - disgraceful - frivolous quotes - especially you - The Mayor Of My Home!"

    Signed, Arthur

    And so the bottle is sent out to sea - a bottle atoned - going where the crashing waves take it
    Till 5 months later it washes up on a Beach - intact with the note - not broken nor tainted
    It's picked up by a man in a suit - who was looking at fish - but the sparkling bottle he couldn't resist!
    He opens and reads it - then says while balling a fist - "Wait till' everyone on the island hears about this!"

    You're forgiven, Arthur.

    In a devilish world plagued with professed malevolence, relentless rebellions, and demented sentiments
    Where men are never hesitant to burn scripture in hell’s fire; and teach their kin to detest the testaments
    A man prays every day with bless’ed grace; for God in Heaven’s gates to save the earth and restore love
    For his wife had died in labor wishing for a reborn sun; for him, his daughter, and newborn son…

    Dear God,

    “I thank you for the blessings you gave to me gradually, but tainted morality, continues to make way in deceasing man
    May your limitless ways make the sinful decay-wither away, so I may raise my family in a peaceful land”


    It’s been a week since my wife had died and I cry at night; missing her pristine, gracious voice
    But then I look at who she passed my way before she passed away; a beautiful, serene baby boy
    O’ how you and your sister fill my face with joy; even in a blistering world where hate destroys
    For I know if I pray and have faith in choice; we may one day see a place of poise…

    So as the years pass way, I pray…

    I pray and read the bible while taking care of my kin; who I’ve managed to raise even In these days of living
    I’ve kept them sheltered and nourished so their lives could be wealthy and flourished; away from the state of sinning
    For if you practice Christianity you’re battered and hanged, so in the shadows of man we tip toe and whisper
    We must move intelligently with the bible in hand, as I begin to teach them the Lord’s Holy Scripture…

    We begin reading stories from the bible; O ’how these disciples can’t refrain their eyes from the print
    The stories they favor were of Judas the traitor, and how God sent his only son to die for our sins…
    Both have immense light from within, it shows with their grins, God’s word has brought forth their faith
    They are especially ecstatic when we kneel by the mattress; and I passionately; teach them to pray

    So as the years pass way, we pray…

    Over the years they’ve both become gracious apostles, especially the boy; so dedicated to praising the gospel
    With the bible in hand I stepped in his presence, for he wanted to ask me a question, which had his mind raided and boggled
    He asks: “Under the suns blinding colors,… what happened to that one person missing? I wonder, what happened to your wife, your lover? What happened to the one who gave me life...

    My Mother?

    Ah, I knew this question was to come…and I had to be honest with my son …so I read him a line from Jobs 1:21….

    “The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away:…"

    At first he looks at me exasperated and bothered, then in an instant he hugs me and says “thank you father”
    I look at him briefly and feel such a gust of divinity; that I don’t seem to feel when I glance at my daughter
    I realize he is one who is one with the holy trinity; and it shows with how his soul shines like glistening pearls
    I realize he is one whose spirit could enforce serenity, and bring forth everlasting peace in the world


    Thinking it would be safe for one day to go out, I sent my daughter to buy bread rations in a market near the house, but instead she roamed near the south; where calamities fare about
    Little did she know she had forgotten to take off her cross necklace; and is held at knife point by a man till’ she blatantly shouts; “Don’t kill me and I’ll tell you my families whereabouts!”

    Ah, how history repeats itself

    As my son and I our praying to God and savior Jesus Christ, I feel the door open wide; it’s my daughter and a man; his face filled with slaughter and intrusive sin
    He lunges at my son with a putrid grin, and stabs him with a crucifix, so I punch him and kick him, then pick up my son like an infant, and quickly run through the wind

    I run holding my son passed burnt down cathedrals and hordes of foul people; thinking to myself: “I have to save my boy”
    Then I realize he is one whose soul is desolate to any deadly sin; his respected death will bring the world faith and joy
    BUT I CARE NOT! His cries for help make me cry myself, and I don't want to repeat when my wife had depart
    Yet even his sister’s arrival was right on the mark; as he absorbs man’s sin; and dies in my arms…

    “O’ How the Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away"...


    Dear God,

    "I thank you for answering my prayers, and restoring love, thus giving the world light under a reborn sun.
    But there’s just one thing that I pray you’d give back O’Lord, and that’s the presence of my belov’ed


    In a heavenly world blessed with professed benevolence, replenished rebellions, and breathless elegance
    Where men are never hesitant to repent as reverends, and teach their kin to respect the testaments
    A man cries for God to bring his son back to life; for his essence plummets in plight
    He cries for the boy that Heaven summoned to light: The Second Coming of Christ

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Battle Record
    Awards Biter Award


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