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Thread: AJ The Menace: Hall Of Fame - Rap-Royalty.Com

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    Jun 2014
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    AJ The Menace: Hall Of Fame - Rap-Royalty.Com

    A Fish's Ascension --

    My despondent life moves with the waves of a dreary ocean, I bare emotions of a fish that’s lost his way
    At constant times I drown in a place where there’s barley solace, while careless Seagulls guffaw at my fall in pain
    My pumping ventricles are wished to be clogged by an Octopus, whose absorbent grungy tentacles yearn my urn
    Yet the unpleasant Eel won’t even shock me shook, for this broken fish has no electrical current worth
    And I’m besieged in vacancy, swimming the seas in atrophy, trying to have the strength of mighty sailing ships
    But a cynical hermit crab designed my skeleton, which is why I’m mistook for a spineless Jellyfish
    If only I’d had a blissful companion we swim the Atlantic, and stay together as engagement followed through
    But with my miserable antics that missions titanic, the sea to me will forever be a space of solitude
    It’s all in view, all this fish’s infinite limitations, if only you could see through the eyes I count with
    I tried to get a definite reputation, but received the disgraceful stripes of clownfish
    I’ve just been racing through life contesting aloof, hoping eventually in my gills, potency grew
    Now my soul is in two and water’s reflecting my mood, I guess that’s why this sorrowed ocean is blue…

    And every night I wish the horizon; shed a light to where I’ll subside in
    I wish to sever ties with Poseidon, and he end my life with his Trident...

    I wish…

    I wish a ship of oil, tipped and boiled on my scaly skin; I wish demented mortals, ripped and soiled both my tail and fins
    I wish to end with this distress, in depths of an abyssal trench, I wish this fish had twist in nets, and finally submit to death!

    I wish…

    I wish a morbid band of sharks had embarked to drown my symphony,
    I wish a swordfish stabbed my heart and the scars bled out in infamy…

    But then I realize if I was granted all the wishes I said
    I’d just be back where I started, sleeping with the fishes again…

    Will I ever lift from this sorrow?

    I’m swimming in the depths of depression with no way to set to ascension, as my mind’s spinning in a seeped whirlpool
    Suddenly out the corner of my cornea, on the Ocean’s sandy floor in blood, I spot a lying Sea Turtle
    I swam towards the sand that centered thee; he must’ve been a century, on how his shell’s design emerged
    But his neck gashed by an enemy, and as a dying remedy, he whispered me his final words…

    “Through the ups and downs of ocean waters, eventually you’ll find your way
    No need to stop at frozen harbors, for in this sea we call life, the tide will change…

    And you will Ascend pass the waves"

    With that, his eyes began to slightly close, as his carcass slowly faded away
    Now, with those words of wisdom, I’ll always remember to saver this day

    1 year later


    Now I look at a hurricane straight in the eye, and blind it with my bright complexion
    I clear all the burning rain, grayest of skies, and move it when I fight deception
    I’m in the right direction as the waters have settled; I’m passing marginal levels as the light’s reflection
    My heights extended passed the mark of the devil, I’m leaving sharks with the pebbles as the night intended
    My flight’s ascended, as I’m elevating the softest, no more warring scenes of contemplating the hardships
    I’ll pass the ninth dimension, reach into the sea and make a so serene constellation of starfish
    Now I’m one like a group of sea lions, as the aurora borealis has my mind enchanted
    I’m so high with peace I’ll seek Sirens, to form an alluring exploring voyage to find Atlantis
    Now there’s no holding catalyst, and no more hazardous frantic bliss
    Now my only passing wish, is all see the light without an Angler fish
    That there’s hope to the pain and the strife, it's all in the changing tides
    Take the past and ocean wave it goodbye, now alas you will elevate your life

    To Greater Heights.

    And Ascend passed the waters to paradise.


    The man is named Arthur, a man who shows no love for man-kind – he lives about life with a manic mind
    The savage kind that laughs at your cries, and is glad if you died – he’s truly an evil mad hatter by design
    He’s a business man living on an island hosting five hundred and five – so everyone knows his havoc ways
    But setting foot on that airplane that had been delayed – they wouldn't know - what would happen that day..

    Arthur had arrived on the plane with a smug on his face – all because his private departure was late
    He sat on the back seat - opposite of where the flight attendant should be – so she’d have to walk back and forth through the lane
    “Is my coffee ready yet”!? He yelled across the plane in disdain – not caring about the dismay of the lady who served him
    “Coming right away sir” – she said with pain in her words – wishing he wouldn't treat her like a slave or a servant!

    5 Hours have passed since Arthur has been on the plane – now he's drinking champagne and writing down notes
    But not for his job – No – he’s writing down quotes – so his arsenal of mass verbal weaponry grows
    “The people of my island are all idiots – so after this trip – I'll leave with my riches and give nothing to them”
    Well maybe the mayor – I’ll leave him a prayer – where he turns to vapors or chokes on his phlegm!”

    Suddenly while writing – Arthur hears a loud noise – which falters his poise - and sends him in distress
    “What was that sound, you better tell me right now, land this plane on the ground!!” - Arthur yells very upset!
    Next thing you know – the engine combusts into flames - This must be the reason the flight was delayed!
    (Pilot) “Brace for impact – we are going to crash - God I haven’t been bad - save me with your grace!!!!”


    The plane crashes face first on a deserted island – killing the flight attendant - and pilot in the cockpit
    But out of the rubble comes Arthur – injured and noxious – glad that he's survived this violent process
    “That was a close call, but my left arm is fractured – and my forehead is bleeding faster and faster
    I must find a medical kit – for tissue and making a splint – he quickly thinks looking at the disaster

    Scouting the plane – Arthur finds the supplies he needs to survive – and nurtures himself back to good health
    “Where am I exactly”? He says to himself – I better find a radio and call for some help
    Yet he finds nothing but debris and ash from the plane, so he tries to call from his cellular phone
    But there’s no signal in these vast parts unknown, as he looks around to realize…he’s alone


    "Finally! I'm free from every human being!" Arthur screams ecstatically while running on white sand
    "I'm free from all imbeciles, simpletons, and infidels" - he screams following a maniacal laugh
    But as soon as Arthur's celebration is finished - he realizes just what that really means
    It means that as long as he's stuck on this desolate island - not a single soul will ever be seen!

    This can't be...

    "This can't be!" Arthur cries in denial - "It's only me on this island? That I just can't believe!"
    He scours day and night for someone alive – passing through vines and coconut leaves
    Finding no-one – he shades himself with a tree to hide from the blistering sun - and sits idly on a stone
    Looking deep into the Ocean with his mind Trapped in a zone - he wishes that he was - safely back home

    5 months pass and Arthur is running out of of hope - he doesn't want to live here - melancholic and broke
    For being alone had damaged his soul - but changed him into an actual human being with a pulse
    "I'm sorry - I just want to go home" he says everyday - " I promise I'll never have hate or anger displayed"
    As he walks devil's sand with a coconut in his hand - he begins to kneel down and give God his praise..

    That's it...

    "That's it"! As Arthur finishes praying - his mind sparks revelation - so he gets up and sprints towards the plane
    Looking in a craze - he finds the tools he was rummaging for - a pen, paper and empty bottle of champagne!
    But instead of merely writing "help" on the note - he writes an atonement for everyone on his island - even the Mayor he hated the most
    "I'm sorry everyone for my hateful - disgraceful - frivolous quotes - especially you - The Mayor Of My Home!"

    Signed, Arthur

    And so the bottle is sent out to sea - a bottle atoned - going where the crashing waves take it
    Till 5 months later it washes up on a Beach - intact with the note - not broken nor tainted
    It's picked up by a man in a suit - who was looking at fish - but the sparkling bottle he couldn't resist!
    He opens and reads it - then says while balling a fist - "Wait till' everyone on the island hears about this!"

    You're forgiven, Arthur.

    The Second Coming --

    In a devilish world plagued with professed malevolence, relentless rebellions, and demented sentiments
    Where men are never hesitant to burn scripture in hell’s fire; and teach their kin to detest the testaments
    A man prays every day with bless’ed grace; for God in Heaven’s gates to save the earth and restore love
    For his wife had died in labor wishing for a reborn sun; for him, his daughter, and newborn son…

    Dear God,

    “I thank you for the blessings you gave to me gradually, but tainted morality, continues to make way in deceasing man
    May your limitless ways make the sinful decay-wither away, so I may raise my family in a peaceful land”


    It’s been a week since my wife had died and I cry at night; missing her pristine, gracious voice
    But then I look at who she passed my way before she passed away; a beautiful, serene baby boy
    O’ how you and your sister fill my face with joy; even in a blistering world where hate destroys
    For I know if I pray and have faith in choice; we may one day see a place of poise…

    So as the years pass way, I pray…

    I pray and read the bible while taking care of my kin; who I’ve managed to raise even In these days of living
    I’ve kept them sheltered and nourished so their lives could be wealthy and flourished; away from the state of sinning
    For if you practice Christianity you’re battered and hanged, so in the shadows of man we tip toe and whisper
    We must move intelligently with the bible in hand, as I begin to teach them the Lord’s Holy Scripture…

    We begin reading stories from the bible; O ’how these disciples can’t refrain their eyes from the print
    The stories they favor were of Judas the traitor, and how God sent his only son to die for our sins…
    Both have immense light from within, it shows with their grins, God’s word has brought forth their faith
    They are especially ecstatic when we kneel by the mattress; and I passionately; teach them to pray

    So as the years pass way, we pray…

    Over the years they’ve both become gracious apostles, especially the boy; so dedicated to praising the gospel
    With the bible in hand I stepped in his presence, for he wanted to ask me a question, which had his mind raided and boggled
    He asks: “Under the suns blinding colors,… what happened to that one person missing? I wonder, what happened to your wife, your lover? What happened to the one who gave me life...

    My Mother?

    Ah, I knew this question was to come…and I had to be honest with my son …so I read him a line from Jobs 1:21….

    “The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away:…"

    At first he looks at me exasperated and bothered, then in an instant he hugs me and says “thank you father”
    I look at him briefly and feel such a gust of divinity; that I don’t seem to feel when I glance at my daughter
    I realize he is one who is one with the holy trinity; and it shows with how his soul shines like glistening pearls
    I realize he is one whose spirit could enforce serenity, and bring forth everlasting peace in the world


    Thinking it would be safe for one day to go out, I sent my daughter to buy bread rations in a market near the house, but instead she roamed near the south; where calamities fare about
    Little did she know she had forgotten to take off her cross necklace; and is held at knife point by a man till’ she blatantly shouts; “Don’t kill me and I’ll tell you my families whereabouts!”

    Ah, how history repeats itself

    As my son and I our praying to God and savior Jesus Christ, I feel the door open wide; it’s my daughter and a man; his face filled with slaughter and intrusive sin
    He lunges at my son with a putrid grin, and stabs him with a crucifix, so I punch him and kick him, then pick up my son like an infant, and quickly run through the wind

    I run holding my son passed burnt down cathedrals and hordes of foul people; thinking to myself: “I have to save my boy”
    Then I realize he is one whose soul is desolate to any deadly sin; his respected death will bring the world faith and joy
    BUT I CARE NOT! His cries for help make me cry myself, and I don't want to repeat when my wife had depart
    Yet even his sister’s arrival was right on the mark; as he absorbs man’s sin; and dies in my arms…

    “O’ How the Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh away"...


    Dear God,

    "I thank you for answering my prayers, and restoring love, thus giving the world light under a reborn sun.
    But there’s just one thing that I pray you’d give back O’Lord, and that’s the presence of my belov’ed


    In a heavenly world blessed with professed benevolence, replenished rebellions, and breathless elegance
    Where men are never hesitant to repent as reverends, and teach their kin to respect the testaments
    A man cries for God to bring his son back to life; for his essence plummets in plight
    He cries for the boy that Heaven summoned to light: The Second Coming of Christ

    where the grass is greener..

    The night blankets the sky in the bat of an eye; words of peace wither away in a battle of cries
    War has commenced and our doors will be hit with the forces of sin in only a matter of time
    Aircraft missiles swerve passed the heads; bombs bombard the land till' the mass is spread
    And here I stand; mother with her son in hand; mind sharp to poke holes in this plan of death
    This beautiful boy will not be another passing breath in this vile genocidal overthrow
    So I'll fight for his life till' I'm choose to fold, and know he'll stay alive with wholesome growth

    I hear the footsteps, they're growing louder by the second, these soldiers have come, rounded with their weapons
    *THUD* THUD*, they're at the door, pounding with aggression, my heart's beating, they start breaching, as I'm scouting for an exit!

    I see a window; I open it in dismay; when suddenly a soldier spots me like a predator does his prey
    I see the killer in his eyes; he's ready to engage; when he aims; cocks back his heavy weapon and sprays..

    *BANG* *BANG*...

    ...But he misses his shot for his sinister plot; I sprint down a river to set for escape!
    "After them soldiers, get your weapons in place! These degenerate peasants are getting away!"

    The abundance of soldiers are coming in closer, aiming and spraying their guns at my head!
    A bullet brushes my neck and I run out of breath, but I won't let my son succumb to his death!

    Before I'm killed instantly, I'll set my son on this piece of debris, and send him down the river afloat!
    But before I save your precious life; and send you into the night; there's something that I want you to know!

    My Son

    "Where ever you may go, I know God's shining sun will rise
    And the forever growing grass will be greener on the other side"



    Meanwhile from far down the river ...

    The day twinkles the sky in the blink of an eye; words of peace prosper in the meaning of life
    The future looks bright for the people alive; as their laughter commences; cleaning the strife
    When word has spread of the christian genocide; the atheist's and agnostics did not look too surprised
    All looked to continue with their lives although nothing had rised; except a woman; who had sympathy in her eyes

    Although common sense has released me from pent-up religions
    This genocide is a tragedy I wish on no Christian
    Limbs on the floor, children ripped up with shells
    This cursed day on earth is their own living hell
    If only I believed in such heavenly grace
    I would pray all this fire and brimstone away...

    *Baby Crying*

    Ah, what is this that I hear, entering the crevice of my ear?; it's coming from the never ending river near the pier
    I look when everything is clear, to find there's not a thing to fear; for it's a beautiful baby boy; of not even a year

    He must be a survivor from the mass genocide, for gunshot residue on his head is shown
    I refuse to let this child sleep on a bed of stone, so I shall claim his innocent life as my own

    Here in this home, hope will never be lost, your voice is heard and dreams are sought
    As the spirit of freedom fulfills us all, you'll feel more than the gleam of god

    Let the whimsical wind free your soul, illuminating within to ease your toll
    Here where you have hold of your destiny, where there's rendered peace to reach your goals

    You shall live a prosperous life full of frolic and light; here where the land is sweeter
    Here where the sun shines on the path of leaders, on the other side of the river; where the grass is greener..

    Titan Of Tarsis --

    'Fury of the frosted dragon was once told as a myth; but now behold the unfold of my grip
    I’m one who’s intended to run through the weapons, protecting the peasants and nobles that live
    These militant, primitive soldiers in mist; will suffer the limitless cold that I whim
    I flicker my wings to be seen like a solar eclipse; releasing a breeze that leaves em’; frozen and stiff
    Sweeping through the air in a moment of whit; I swing my tail to have these statues broken to bits
    Yet my ears pick up frantic motion in wind; an iniquitous whisper devoted to sin!
    Archer reinforcements come like rummaging thieves; shooting their arrows from under my feet
    Summoned in summits with numbers in hundreds they try to puncture my lungs for defeat!
    With my tongue in my cheek and stomach in depths; I inhale a breath; ejecting a colliding blow-
    Retracting all arrows as fast as a sparrow to targeted archer’s hearts as sharp icicles!
    Twenty are left rendered as dead; the rest look into my eyes and realize the might that I harness
    Frightened with fear they run trying to clear; so I launch them an ice ball the size of a comet!save
    Their bodies are crushed into particle dust; I scour the ground for more scoundrels in action
    When suddenly from the sinuous seas: I spot silhouettes all shrouded as massive
    It’s an abundance of ships with thousands of cannons; all fully equipped and mounted for blasting
    People are screaming and the king starts to flee as powerful shots pound through a mansion!
    Simultaneously all ships begin firing rapidly; destroying houses and palaces with lightning tenacity
    I have to think fast in times of a tragedy; to save the peasants, nobles, and life of our majesty!
    Fueled with a heart of pure fire and rage; I hover up high enough to overlook the entire terrain
    Relentless In posture I eject the biggest breath ever conjured; shielding the city with an icy blockade!
    The cannon balls falter against my defense; the sailors have an expression of one’s meeting the omen
    Just in case this elitist fleet means to retreat; I release a breeze which freezes the ocean!
    Their death is imminent; I fly where the ships are in stall; the air becomes glistened and riddled with fog
    Gulls’ drop to be settled on this dawn of the devil as I lock on the vessels with an ice missile barrage!
    Hits rip through facades’ till their ships are in shards; on the sea’s frosty surface scatter blown apart limbs
    Surviving startled men try to call for amends; so I swallow them to launch em’ out as frozen carcasses!
    The final vile man is slain with my embers; I return to the sire’s land; embracing its members
    Civilians cheer from the grace that I render; as the king elegantly appears; raising his scepter
    Today is to be remembered not as menacing treason; but a day we’re we up kept our brethren in legion
    I fly up to bestow' the slaughter on the frozen waters; from atop of the ice wall; defending the kingdom
    Behold the ‘fury of the frosted dragon; one whose sworn to protect the righteous in hardship
    Channeling light to bring brightness to darkness; forever hailed as a true; Titan of Tarsis

    The Rising Of Tarsis

    In a kingdom ruled by a malevolent tyrant - spreading his violence like the deadliest virus
    Echos are heard from the crevice of silence - alas bellowing words are set to be rising
    For in the distance General Tarsis is shedding light on his federal squadron of a grueling plot
    To over-rule and trot the ruler gone - for in this land of famine - all they have is food for thought...

    General Tarsis's Speech

    As Revolutions governing wind brushes my skin - I come to amend this repugnant land with succulent lips
    Dusk will begin the dawn of hundreds of men - when they apprehend my speech of trusting content
    "Over the years - we've witnessed the king's tyranny reign - he was ruthless in execution and giving us pain
    Well now - it's time for retribution in limitless ways - may our sorrow set sail and start drifting away
    We are living astray from a quality life - the cause of this madness I pondered at night
    It all started when his reign wandered upright - bringing forth darkness to squander our light
    Spawning our plight till we were dogs in his sight - he poisoned our crops to leave us rotten in blight
    He's the monarch of spite sparking the cardinal vice - with no regard for what's wrong and what's right
    He has no honor or spine - when he calls us to fight - so on this final order we'll demolish his shrine
    For all of the time he spent blocking our shine - will be paid for with the cost of his life
    You're my army tonight - marching with might - keep the fire inside you sparking forever
    For on this day when we embark and endeavor - you'll remember the date we conquered together
    No more tarnishing weather will plague the skies - we'll sleep on clouds knowing it's safe at night
    And our wives will experience a playful sight - when our children frolic on grass during graceful times
    Keep that fate in mind - and we won't falter or lose - we will succeed I'm promising you
    Let us march our feet to stop the abuse - for the voice of change is calling us troops...

    Be Ready to charge and let loose..."

    And so we solemnly march through this land of dictation - our souls filled with mass inspiration
    Passing peasants of angst and starvation - for they felt the full effects of this famishing nation
    We are The King's men - but this is an act of invasion - a channeling statement of grand assault
    The hands of Revolution will grasp us all - when we arrive standing tall - to make his castle fall...


    Ready your weapons for in several seconds we'll be steadily stepping on the yard of his Kingdom
    He has guards, archers, and marksman as defense - with enough fire power to harvest a spring sun
    But we are the elite ones - rangers with a gift - they are the weak ones - strangers to their niche
    So when I give word - begin aiming with intent - to take out the two men stationed at the bridge!
    And the enemies hit with marksman precision - but above Archer's are driven to start shooting their arrows
    Quicker than thunder they begin hitting our numbers - so we swiftly advance to move from the peril
    With wrath as our force - we blast through the door of the castle where guards are armed for attack
    Yet my army is fast - at barraging a task - so we spark up a blast turning their armored squadron to scrap
    Now we advance up flights of stairs till are sights are flared with Marksman blaring their muskets at us
    Their remorseless fleet is intense as they murder a majority of my men - and render me covered in blood
    But I'm not going to fold for I'm close to my goal - I could almost hear The King cower in his chambers
    So as the proudest of traitors and foulest invader - I channel my anger on these scoundrels of danger!
    Loading my musket with bullets - I trust it and pull it - murdering every marksman in the room
    "Alas, we made it' I say to my staggering crew - It's time we open our majesty's tomb...

    And so we open the door to where The King resides - prepared with his doom...

    There was our King - hiding in shadows - frightened - defenseless to the crime I'll unravel.
    "I stand before you you're majesty - bringing forth tragedy - for your reign will end tonight at the castle"
    My men begin to celebrate - with destined grace - as I ready my musket for execution
    But first things first I think in my twisted mind - for my lips have lied to you Brother's of Revolution...TER]
    Last edited by Echelon; May 23rd, 2024 at 08:41 AM

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