I’m giving this until Friday night for votes.. then whoever is ahead will get the W
I’m giving this until Friday night for votes.. then whoever is ahead will get the W
@Networth @Virbius
Drop a vote or two in here and 1-2 while u guys r on right now ..
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Some quick votes.. no crazy breakdown needed
Shame this has slowed down jsut as it got interesting
@miracle ...u alive?
New battles up
This bracket smells fishy
I didn’t wanna go dilly vs mir and dilly vs mir in both leagues
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U beat spree, u don’t think u can beat dilly?? Lol
U wanna battle me instead? I can set up me vs u real quick
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Or u want verse mal? U tell me… I don’t care cuz I’m wrecking all yall
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Just let me know before we start checking in
i missed this... anyway my verse is up @miracle
Look what happens when voting is ballsack for years
Nobody good wanna compete no more