...head in the clouds

hours from heaven...

i nailed butterflies to my belly, they flutter when i'm weak
can’t see behind closed doors, but can taste it when you speak
erased weeks in bed scratching my back against the posts
every notch a rememberance of the angst this head hosts
i met ghosts. some are more chatty then you’d care to know
they show things you miss, then make their disappearance slow
exit stage left
necklace rest next to your pic; thumb tacked to patience
cant wait to kiss the angels face or make its re-acquaintance
anxious hands, cant blame myself for these unsteady nerves
jagged words wrote in cursed manuscripts are just a blur
love letters stir emotions, you’re an ocean of precious evils
I take caution ‘n walk around you like stepping over needles
people search their whole lives to find the kind of love we had
that’s why I broke knuckles fighting and let blood sign the cast
perhaps its been so long ill never find the path to go back
so if we never lock eyes again, I just want you to know that
I fucking love you. . . more then these words can describe
If you search my dreams at night you know how I hurt inside
and how the night terrors rise to show your face again
stop motion animation placed you in those frames again
reoccurring theme of that faithful day when my ship crashed
fingers inches from your hand as you sink slowly on your back
and your image distorts with the rippled water

then you were gone
along with with everything I ever lived for

or wanted
and so goes the song – “if i can turn back time”

i did

then came back my dear
my promise is this time im just going to sit here
anchor set, just above the coordinates where you died
i swear, I feel you close again every time I close my eyes
reciting a poem, key in tow to unlock your heart
because now we both know. . even death wont keep us apart
as the clouds come down, waves crash against the bow
water breach starboard

ten seconds to heaven now

and well ride there together to meet God on a fiery cloud