15 random words… pick words to make a punch line out of… unlimited bars…
Whoever has the best bar wins
winner gets a cypher medal award
1. Breeze
2. Cactus
3. Whistle
4. Lantern
5. Spiral
6. Meadow
7. Tundra
8. Galaxy
9. Quiver
10. Velvet
11. Eclipse
12. Whisper
13. Pebble
14. Lattice
15. Ember
Disclaimer: must have at least 5 participates for a medal to be given out
@mal diction @Art. @Slashe @Spree @Slayerr. @Ryno @Exalted. @Amen @King Dee Bee @Phalanx @hello there @JEM. @Wuxia @daveDILLY @Virbius @Fitzgerald @Letterman @EyeDealIstic