Having real trouble voting on Shaman vs Slayer. I can’t call it either way so I’ll check it again later but might not end up voting. Not snubbing you guys, just can’t decide.
Shaman’s is pretty swagged out. I like the execution and style more than the wordplay elements.
Slayerr’s is kind of the opposite in that I like the relatively complex wordplays more than the execution.
I like both though, good battle.
that’s funny cuz i was thinking of doing a Naruto theme for this round too. i was gonna say something like my Haku’s (haiku’s) will make him fade into the mist like Zabuza or some shit. must be the times cuz i was sure people would get the DBZ references before they got the Naruto ones.
can’t front though, Pokémon & Digimon were ill too. Digimon was kinda ripoffish indeed but their saving grace were the little handheld Digimon pets that you had to raise & train to get different variants & you could connect them with someone else’s & battle n shit. shit was revolutionary when i was growing up lol
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This. took me a half hour to decide which direction to go in. still could go either way & that’s why i won’t go back in that thread. i could literally switch me vote in an instant. whoever wins deserves it.
Bro if you were on iBattle you’d have a dislocated shoulder by now. They fuck with those kind of anime bars big time.
I used to watch anime back in the day but it was on some artsy shit coz I was a pretentious little cunt. Serial Experiments Lain, Boogiepop Phantom etc. Hellsing. I maintain that SE Lain was epic though.
NGL I admire how much consideration you put into your votes. It’s ultimately gonna come down to Bag & MVs votes, so deciding the winner for that battle is their problem.
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@mal diction @KnoXville Guys you might wanna edit explanations in after your battle verses. I’m pretty sure you both had at least one thing which went over my head coz I’m dumb as fuck. Feels irresponsible voting with that in mind.
Last edited by Virbius; October 17th, 2024 at 12:24 PM
^ agreed mal had a couple of bars that looked like they could be dope I just can’t make the connection
They told me I was insane for making intricate votes lol then jack comes along and your taking the piss sike nah lol fucking with you V but yeah some of these were hard to judge I think we all was busy lmao shit next drop ima be more prepared
FAQ - pronounced fack…
Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks
Nvm lol I see we moving forward
Last edited by FaQEyeReddit; October 18th, 2024 at 02:01 AM
FAQ - pronounced fack…
Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks
Crazy way to kill this league for me.
LMFAOOOOO yo who the fuck planned this.
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these niggas is really playing “what would you do for $250” right now smh![]()
Haha this one's on me, a test of all round writing ability plus I think gay bars are joke. Being able to put yourself in the shoes of a homo and diss someone isn't that hard tbh, it's not like we're doing pedo bars & it breaks up the monotony of regular battles too to keep it interesting. Anyone so against the idea that they refuse to post has deffo got issues they need to address @Chree
you turned rap battle into a gay off that shits not for me.
@Chree are you actually no showing this round?